Scuba VIP Decals has been the scuba industry's leader for Visual Inspection and underwater decals for well over 30 years!
We are the manufacturer, not a reseller. You can customize decals with your company's information instead of settling for generic looking visual inspection certificates. Having your logo on a specialty vinyl decal helps you brand your business and can generate more sales! We also offer Logo/Promotional Decals, Log Book Decals, License Plates and Tank Fill Cards.What makes the scuba tank decals we manufacture better than the rest? Read our VIP Decal FAQ page to discover the benefits of ordering your next VIP decals through us.
Click on each of the product images below to review your options, place your order, and create your own layout online today!
Air VIP Decals
We set the quality standard for underwater use.
Nitrox VIP Decals
Green imprint on yellow vinyl. Makes your Nitrox cylinders easy to identify.
Logo Decals
A great way to promote your business!
Tank Wrap Decals
Nitrox or Oxygen Tank Wraps. Emerald Green and Yellow, or Dark Green and White.
Log Book Decals
Make your customers' dive trips memorable. Long-lasting, cut to size, provided in sheets.
Promotional License Plates
Let your customers advertise for you!
Tank Fill Cards
Get them coming back for more!
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